Increase ad revenues by transforming advertorials into native digital content.
We enable publishers to aut-bundle all of their print advertorials with a powerful digital add-on made of a native content integration, guaranteed ad impressions and a compelling SEO component for every advertiser. Smart Advertorials is "digital first" and can also be applied to build digital-only advertorials at scale.

Give print advertisers the most intuitive online experience
We create topic hubs and brand stories with highdwell times in the publishers’ look and feel, natively embedded in the news site,offering the right stage for advertisers to tell their story. Building instantmini landing pages for each and every advertiser, we build a universal digitalextension for all advertisers – with and without relevant digital footprint.

7 Reasons to choose Smart Advertorials
being digitized each year.
Digitize Your Print Advertorials & Make them Search Engine Visible
Transform your print advertorials into high-impact, SEO-friendly digital content with our Smart Advertorials. Elevate your ad revenues and enhance advertiser visibility across search engines and social media!

Free Smart Ad demo for everyone!

Start now! It’s easy
Digitize Your Print Advertorials & Make them Search Engine Visible
Transform your print advertorials into high-impact, SEO-friendly digital content with our Smart Advertorials. Elevate your ad revenues and enhance advertiser visibility across search engines and social media!